Survey Data

Umami Awareness and Preferences

Project Overview

This case study aimed to assess public awareness and understanding of umami, known as the fifth basic taste, through a survey. The objective was to collect insights into the recognition of umami, its sources, compounds responsible for its taste, and general attitudes towards foods rich in umami.


  • Assess awareness and knowledge of umami among participants.
  • Identify public recognition of foods and compounds associated with the umami taste.
  • Gauge interest in and acceptance of foods rich in umami.
  • Explore perceptions of the health and nutritional benefits of umami.

My Contributions

  • Designed survey questions covering definitions, history, sources, and health benefits of umami.
  • Implemented a strategy for distributing the survey to gather diverse responses.
  • Analysed the survey data to uncover trends, preferences, and knowledge gaps about umami.
  • Communicated the findings to stakeholders, highlighting market opportunities and educational needs related to umami.


  • Analysis showed a mixed awareness level about umami, with many respondents correctly identifying it as the fifth basic taste and recognising its sources like tomatoes, mushrooms, and seafood.
  • Knowledge gaps about the discovery and recognition of umami as a basic taste were identified, suggesting a need for educational initiatives.
  • The survey indicated a positive reception towards health-oriented, umami-rich foods, highlighting a market interest in nutritious and protein-rich dietary options.
  • The insights obtained can inform product development and marketing strategies, particularly for trends like umami, aligning with growing health and wellness consumer preferences.